PS 3D Games Apps

Warrior For Super Goku Saiyan 1.0.4
PS 3D Games
The best game for DB fan and Super GokuSaiyan.The game pits two characters of the Goku against each other inlarge environments, where they mostly fight in the air. The playercan use strong and stronger variations of close combat attacks, andcharge their ki to fire Ki Blasts.The players follow the events of the story in which you choosebetween Goku and friends, including enemy characters, along theway. The choices that the player makes determine how the storyevolves.The Option Mode lets the player change the game's difficulty,unlock new characters, or view rankings of various scores they havegotten in different modes in the game. Unlocking characters andstory modes costs points, which are obtained by winning battles,completing story modes, ...Survival: This is a mode where you pick your character, andfight non-stop enemies, until you lose. After a certain amount ofwins, your health will not regenerate fully.Time Attack: In this mode, located in Z trial, you'll be askedto fight certain enemies as fast as possible. There are sevencourses in total.Arcade: In this mode, you select your character, and head out tobattle. The objective of this mode is to collect all thePieces.[Features]- High-speed wireless multiplayer battles featuring the universe'sstrongest fighters- 18 playable characters, including prize fighter- Revamped version of the acclaimed Saiyan Overdrive fightingsystem- There are 13 playable characters, each with 3 levels.- Unique Graphic Style and UI- Cool Effect with super skills- Many challenges- A lot of challenges and stages- More than 60 designer battles and power levels
Super Goku: SuperSonic Warrior 1.0.3
PS 3D Games
Each character has thirty "levels", whichmakesthem stronger and occasionally changes their sprites andabilities.This is used in story mode to simulate the charactersbeing strongeror weaker than their opponents.If you're completely new to the fighting genre or need tolearnall you can about how the game is played, check out theBasicssection. Need a rundown on the various modes of play in thegame?Check out Game Modes. Want to learn about your character orsee howto perform his or her moves? Head on over to Characters.The player can use strong and weak variations of closecombatattacks, and charge their ki to fire strong and weak energyblasts.Each character also has three unique "Certain Kill"abilities thatdeal heavy damage to the opponent. The Certain Killability variesdepending on where the player is located - above,below orhorizontal to the opponent.[Story Mode]The story mode is presented through short scenes; where longtextsassociated with pictures and scenery are involved.[Challenge Mode]Only after defeating the first enemy team, the player can unlocknewteams to fight against until the mode is completed.[Z Battle Mode]In Z battle mode the player chooses a character, and mustbattleagainst 8 enemies, however after completing a round of Zbattlemode, the chosen character is given a ranking. As theplayerdefeats more opponents with a single character, the rankingof thatcharacter will increase and various statistics are given,allowingplayers to continuously build on various characters tocompletetheir full ranking. All rankings and statistics are viewedin theoptions mode under the rankings tab.
Autobots War Of Transformers 1.2
PS 3D Games
The Game is a big, loud, shallow actiongamethat severely lacks in content.The Game is very much the archetypal movie-licensed game. It'sgotall the hallmark problems of the genre, including shortlength,overly simplistic mechanics, a barely-there story, and a bitof asloppy feel. It is simply an excuse for fans of the upcomingliveaction film (and maybe even some fans of the old cartoonswho,admittedly, will take pretty much anything they can get atthispoint) to run around, awkwardly beating up Autobots orDecepticonsin various semidestructible environments.The basic premise of the game is the same as the film's. TheclassicAutobots battle between good robots and evil robots hasspilled overto planet Earth as the two warring sides searchfrantically for anartifact knownFrom there, it's a race for both sides to find Sam and gettheAllSpark. There might be more to the movie's plot than whatispresented here, and you should really hope there is,becauseotherwise, we're all in for one exceedingly boring film,there'salmost no story to drive the game forward. In some respectsthat'snot surprising, simply because with this method, almost noneof thefilm is spoiled for you.On the flipside, the Decepticons campaign has you playingasMegatron, Starscream, Barricade, and company to track downtheAllSpark and destroy the Autobots. While the opportunity to playasboth the good and evil sides sounds enticing, you'll actuallyfindthat there's very little difference between thetwocampaigns.Regardless of which side you pick, you'll be forced to slogthrougha copious number of missions that have you fightingeasy-to-killgrunt Autobots using the same three-hit combo again andagain, orracing around one of the game's few, somewhatopen-endedenvironments trying to chase down one Autobot orDecepticon tofight a few times while using the same three-hitcombo, as well asan occasional throw attack.These missions might have been more tolerable if the combat werealittle more involved, but as it stands, you just need to mashonthe melee attack button to blow through most enemies, and thefewthat aren't so easy just require a random object fromtheenvironment thrown at them to soften them up.The lone bright spot comes from the Decepticons campaign. Incertainmissions, you're tasked with simply laying waste to oneenvironmentor another. Be it a big city or a sprawling militaryinstallation,these environments are fun to destroy. Your weaponsfire does a lotof damage to buildings, cars, trees, and any othersolid objectsnearby.In the Autobots campaign, you can do the same types of damage,butit's all incidental, since you're ultimately trying toprotecthumanity--not lay waste to it. On the Decepticons side, yourgoalis to cause as much chaos as you can, and that can be a goodbit offun. What's neat is the way the destruction and battlesarepresented--explosions are frequent and large, the damagetobuildings looks appropriately massive, and the combat moves youcanpull off actually do look cool.